
English / 12.01.2020 / 2617

Where do we store the energy?

Nikolay Mokhov, author from the Dark Side of Business

— How do you gather the energy?" - readers have been asking this question for four years. And recently we couldn't stand it and responded with a little sarcasm:

- Excuse me, but where are you going to store it? — we wrote in the chat.

"Mmmmm..." the person responded. And then we gave in to memories and fantasies:

— There was an article somewhere... Something about an energy piggy bank… Maybe an energy bath?...

Let's note something. Let's just note that when it comes to discussing who drained someone's energy, who's a vampire, and who dominates, people love that. There is no practical use in such discussions. Describing the past victories of strangers, we do not move anywhere in the present. A wide man said: the war for the past is pointless… And so the question "How and who gained energy?" is secondary to the question — "Where do we keep it?".

Energy holes in what? Where? To have holes you need a vessel from which the liquid will flow out. However, if there is no vessel, then there is no place for holes to appear

Here is an example. There was a talented businessman. He sells well and closes deals for huge amounts. At the same time, he never has money. He sells something for millions, and in a couple of months he has to ask friends to lend him some money. Everyone has seen such examples. You just need to look more closely. Some might need to look in the mirror.

And how many stories about rogues who pulled off scams, and after years, became beggars? And don't talk about karma. We are discussing a simple physical law. Money is energy. If there is no place to store money, then a person will never become rich. And there will be constant problems with energy. No matter how much one got in the moment, if there is nothing to hold it in - the rain of gold passes, the water soaks into the ground, and the wind carries the gold dust away… And there is nothing left. Drought. Emptiness. And the cabbage doesn’t grow.

And then I heard a song: "I just have energy holes, I need to close them...

The destructive energy of creation...

Philips and Sony unveiled their invention, the CD, in the ’80s. Owners of music studios tried the novelty out. How can one make a music lover buy a Beatle album again? Release it on a new medium.

The production costs of the CD were lower than those of vinyl, and yet the invention was being sold for more money. Music producers destroyed the vinyl market and set revenue records. The ’90s were the platinum time for studios.


Queen of the spoken word...

Tanya’s mother beat her weekly. She tried to restrain herself, and not hit her child every day, but it didn't always work out. It was all thanks to her daughter being so different with her fantastical stupidity and incredible self-confidence.

“You realize that you can't even work as a janitor? Today, even they have a higher education... And you can't even string three words together," shouted the fat math teacher.


Babylonian Squabbles

Once again I wondered: why is it so difficult to understand other people? Recently, we had a heated discussion in our chat. One of our readers pondered: what motivates young people these days to join power structures where there is “no place for individualism”? Someone suggested they could be compared to Batman: “Being afraid of bats, he decided to become one of them. So did these people: being afraid of the authorities, they decided to become them.” Someone else had a counter question, “How successful would they be had they not decided to join these structures?”


Brasileiro. Chapter VI

Part I. Vaeroy
Chapter IV. Agnete and the Merman


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