English / 09.02.2020 / 3404
Everything I'm going to say next is a lie. At the same time, everything I'm going to say will be true
A guy created a startup, then successfully sold it to a venture fund. What did he do with the money? He keeps the money on his accounts, and he wants to attract investors for his new project. This character will not even ask anything. He knows whether he is full of energy or not.
Now let's figure it out from the beginning, from the first question, which of the three characters is full of energy, and who is not? Well the most advanced ones are already smiling:
- You can't trick us, Nick. We've been there. Feeling uplifted or in love does not indicate is not an indicator of energy.
Right. It's not. It's a different thing. Our emotions and our mood are not an indicator of fullness or emptiness in terms of energy. We have all seen resilient and rich characters that move around the world with a mournful expression on their faces and are ready to dump their troubles on any stranger.
Ok, but as for the money, everything is clear one is squandering, the other is cautious and smart... The first is as empty as a barrel, and the second can keep the fortune. Makes sense, right?
From a regular person's point of view, it makes perfect sense. And in the energy world... It could be anything. History knows examples of how spending on models and clubs surprisingly multiplied wealth — this is how the owner of Playboy magazine acted. And keeping money in bank accounts on the contrary led to the loss of all savings.
Why am I telling you this? There is no universal rule when it comes to feeling the energy. We cannot provide a descriptive model and tell you what is the right way to act, and what's not. Life strategies of one character are not applicable for another one... There is also a factor of time: what used to be a successful business scheme yesterday, could be a crime today. And in the world of energy, what could be an adequate action a second ago, could be almost disastrous right now…
And most importantly — as soon as we start talking about energy, we go beyond the capabilities of language. Human language is useless here. We cannot describe the world of energy in words...
— And so in your bosom,
All that lives in it, hide jealously, - wrote the German writer Pfau somewhere on the way to Switzerland-the homeland of all exiles and revolutionaries. And Tyutchev echoed him from Russia:
- A thought, once spoken, is a lie...
I agree with the poets. I would like to carve in stone a warning to all travelers who walk our site:
Everything I'm going to say next is a lie. At the same time, everything I'm going to say will be true. All I want to tell you is fiction, a game of the imagination. At the same time, it is an experience based on observation. An honest diary of a sincere and meticulous researcher of the world of energy... In short, both statements are true — the whole story that follows is both fiction and truth.
And those who are not able to fit these statements in their heads should stay by the stone. They can read the inscription again. Sigh and swear:
— That's bullshit!"
And then go back. Home...
Has everyone left? Is there anyone still here? Yeah. The most curious. Well, I warned you. Now...
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— I remember myself from the age of three...
— But I have memories since I was two.
Friends were arguing about who had the earliest memories. And I realized that I don’t remember myself in childhood... Not that I don’t remember anything at all. I don’t remember winter. I only remember summer and the moment when that summer of my childhood ended.
Once again I wondered: why is it so difficult to understand other people? Recently, we had a heated discussion in our chat. One of our readers pondered: what motivates young people these days to join power structures where there is “no place for individualism”? Someone suggested they could be compared to Batman: “Being afraid of bats, he decided to become one of them. So did these people: being afraid of the authorities, they decided to become them.” Someone else had a counter question, “How successful would they be had they not decided to join these structures?”
Read more...Neuroscientists say that the bigger the brain, the longer a mammal lives. And there is also a commonplace observation: people who are engaged in research, teaching, and theoretical science live long. You can count straight from Plato, who died at the age of eighty. His colleague Newton at 84, Mendeleev at 72, Einstein at 76, physicist Niels Bohr at 77, and so on. And the other day I was walking around Cyprus with a PhD, so she told me:
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