English / 06.09.2019 / 2873
All Russian bears are alcoholics. And in Russia, we’re all one big family… A bear that drinks — brings misery to the family
— On the Hojelands bridge, Agnete could see:
How a Merman just fully emerged from the sea, — the Danish girl sang an old ballade...
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The destructive energy of creation...
Philips and Sony unveiled their invention, the CD, in the ’80s. Owners of music studios tried the novelty out. How can one make a music lover buy a Beatle album again? Release it on a new medium.
The production costs of the CD were lower than those of vinyl, and yet the invention was being sold for more money. Music producers destroyed the vinyl market and set revenue records. The ’90s were the platinum time for studios.
I’m watching time grinding big businesses to dust. Some of them I know quite well. Just yesterday, their owners used to think they were rich. Today they find out: a couple more months of quarantine and only dust will remain of all their treasures. And not golden dust — gray dust. Tomorrow, those who used to be held up as an example to all will be forgotten. New heroes will appear. Looking at these stories, I remember the words of my Teacher:
Read more...I once lived with a girl who knew the real nature of boredom.
- I'm bored to death! Tell me something ... ”, she said.
“Not now”, I stared at the wall. I wanted to think out an interesting idea.
“Why aren't you talking to me?"
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