
English / 12.05.2020 / 4028


Nikolay Mokhov, author from the Dark Side of Business

“How do I feel waves? How do I sense the wave of energy going through my body? No matter how many times I try, I just can’t do it.” I have been asked this question hundreds of times. Finally, I’ve found the time and the place to answer it.

First: a word of warning. How it all “actually” works is unknown to theoretical physicists, gurus, and “even” to me… But there are some things I understand and some things I believe. You’re free to call it my fantasy or hallucination, just as you’re free to try proving it through something like quantum biology.

Thoughts, events — all these things have a wave-like nature

In any case, I believe that our entire world consists of waves. Light is a wave. Sound is a wave. Smells are also waves. The table I put my wineglass on is just as much a wave. So are animals, birds, people — all waves. Thoughts, events — all these things have a wave-like nature.

In the middle of the last century, scientists set up a special telescope and were able to listen to the waves of the Big Bang. They called them relic radiation. They went on a voyage some ten billion years into the past…

Another belief of mine is that it's not just the past and the present that coexist in our world simultaneously, but the future, as well. And their waves affect one another. They collide, and by colliding distort “real” time…

And if the world is made up of waves, then we sense it by absorbing these waves. It’s just that different people have different ranges of waves they can decode, just like any radio receiver. But no matter how narrow your range is, you definitely register some waves.

Now you see why the question of “How do I feel waves?” is so pointless. All people are capable of sensing and processing waves. It’s something no human can live without. But there is something else that is very important.

If we are all born radio receivers, then where is our tuner? Attention — that is our tuner. By directing our attention to something we “illuminate” it, like shining a bunch of tiny rays on something to see it more clearly. We enter into a dance with the wave radiated by the object or event. And in this dance, something new is born, or something already existing is amplified. Our own attention is what creates the world that surrounds us. Don’t believe it?

“So does the moon only exist when we look at it?” sneered Einstein almost a hundred years ago. He didn’t like this concept. It was against his nature and it outraged him.

But Niels Bohr and his comrades had the gall to argue with Einstein. They stated: the very fact of observation affects the behavior of the observed object. Bohr’s successors had to write complicated formulas and do all sorts of experiments to confirm this thesis. They are said to have succeeded. I can neither confirm nor deny. I don’t have the mathematical skills to do so.

But we practical philosophers aren’t interested in mathematics. We study real, concrete things. How does knowing about the wave-like structure of the world benefit us?

Turn the little rays of your attention to your own body. Your body is your wave. By directing your attention to it, you amplify this wave. You take the first step towards becoming a subject, not an object in the world of energy. And you achieve the first result of this transformation — you feel alive.

“But I still can’t feel anything! I can’t sense the wave of my own body!” some readers complain.

Try this. Spend a couple moments fantasizing that your own body is a wave… For a second, imagine waves going out of your body and into the space around it… It will just be your fantasy, a simple game of the imagination. But I guarantee that these mind games will benefit you more than any morning exercise or any yoga class. You don’t need a mat or a gym membership. You don’t need to pay anyone. You don’t even need to get off the couch.

It’s enough to simply turn your attention towards yourself, your body; to see and to hear, to feel the wave your body radiates. This wave will be part of the Universe forever, just like the wave of the Big Bang, which happened thirteen billion years ago. And by observing this wave, we amplify it.

“But what is it that I have to feel? A change in temperature? Or is there some picture I have to imagine?” the less open-minded tend to inquire.

Tell you what: I don’t know. It’s your body, your wave, and your fantasy. It’s your own vision of the world, it’s the way you sense it. After all, there’s no such thing as a wrong fantasy… So imagine it as you will. And play this game of the imagination from time to time, whenever you can. And then, having enjoyed the process, come back to the Dark Side’s website, and I might tell you something else interesting.

Where does the price come from?

The Marxists took offense at me. We have an article called "Don Juan's Wall". In the article, I wrote about the unexpected consequences of quarantine. But I made an ideological mistake. I refused to consider the overproduction crisis as the cause of the Great Depression. And then it hit me.


Babylonian Squabbles

Once again I wondered: why is it so difficult to understand other people? Recently, we had a heated discussion in our chat. One of our readers pondered: what motivates young people these days to join power structures where there is “no place for individualism”? Someone suggested they could be compared to Batman: “Being afraid of bats, he decided to become one of them. So did these people: being afraid of the authorities, they decided to become them.” Someone else had a counter question, “How successful would they be had they not decided to join these structures?”


Escaping Fate?

My grandfather Semyon escaped dekulakization, a wave of Soviet repressions in the 1930s. He grew up in a big family. His father died fighting in the First World War, and his grandfather (my great-grandfather) had a fairly decent, by rural standards, household. He had a sturdy house, some horses… In the Soviet thirties, this was a death sentence.


In the times of Father

My father played a mean joke on me. Our discussions, though rare, always left me in a state of slight to heavy confusion. For example, when I was five years old, he told me: “A man could never imagine two things: infinity and eternity”. My mind, young and inquisitive as it was, decided to test that statement. I sat down in my room and tried to imagine the supposedly unimaginable entities. This led to intense drooling.


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