English / 29.01.2020 / 2722
it is better to become a genius fraudster than a mediocre manager
Here the reader will have a logical question:
- Nick, why the hell are you telling me a story of some rich guy and European logistics? I have a family to provide for, the new government is trying to control the income of each citizen. Life is trying to drown us in troubles (or in something else)... And there is also this question, are we doing the right thing in life?
Now let me give a simple explanation. Look at this example of the guy going nuts about the logistics. He earns money in IT and they waists it in the “real sector”. Why does it happen? Because mom, dad, friends and other people around could keep convincing him since childhood:
- You are doing some nonsense...look at your classmate who bought a truck and now he is transporting prawns to other countries. That's a real business!
And who cares if our character has a truck full of money, while his classmate hardly has a thousand of Euros of savings. This is a question of acceptance by the people closest to him. And here this question of purpose pops up. We understand a lot about ourselves since childhood. When I was six, I could not read or write, but when someone asked me “what do you want to be when you grow up” I was very confident:
"A writer!
But I was told:
- Writers earn very little, and only a few make it...
Relatives and friends inclined:
- Maybe, you could become a programmer? Maybe an engineer?
I wasted energy, time and money to check my relatives' theories. And thank God, it didn't take too much time. 'Cause I know a story of a woman who got old and realized, that she had always dreamt of being a ballet dancer. But, as she said it herself:
— But it's hard to be a ballerina when you are sixty."...
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Where does the price come from?
The Marxists took offense at me. We have an article called "Don Juan's Wall". In the article, I wrote about the unexpected consequences of quarantine. But I made an ideological mistake. I refused to consider the overproduction crisis as the cause of the Great Depression. And then it hit me.
Read more...The cause of the Great Depression is commonly considered to be an overproduction crisis. I disagree. In my view, the reason for the Great Depression was as follows: the technological landscape changed, but the people were not prepared for it mentally. There was a disconnect between what the people were used to and the new world. Read the history of the First World War. You will see: at first, everyone thought that it would last a couple months. People were used to waging war a certain way. Then, the English had to face the reality that world had changed…
Read more...— So the secret to success is to be in the right place at the right time?" - Someone asked in the Dark Side chat. How can I comment on this? Let me tell you about a multi-million dollar deal I once made. I'm not telling the story to show off as the money was already spent for parties in the city a long time ago — there is nothing to brag about. I'm telling the story to illustrate one principle.
So, here is the story. At a restaurant in Moscow, there was this construction businessman, his PR guy, and me. I had already handed over a report on my work. I was having some coffee, meanwhile listening to them discussing the promotion of business operations abroad.
I once lived with a girl who knew the real nature of boredom.
- I'm bored to death! Tell me something ... ”, she said.
“Not now”, I stared at the wall. I wanted to think out an interesting idea.
“Why aren't you talking to me?"
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